be brave


I know I've been skimping on the writing lately and relying heavily on pictures and images to do the talking for me, but it's only because I'm waist-deep in the thick mud of change, responsibility and this thing they call "being a grown up." Between trying to get my thesis ready for defense, moving into a new house, trying to find a job and making sure I'm crossing my t's and dotting my i's in all other areas of my life...I'm feeling a little harried and spread a little thin. Optimism has been my constant companion these past few weeks and I've worn out the phrase "Everything will work itself out." I've realized that it takes a lot of courage to move from the quasi-grown up phase (still in grad school, relying a bit on M&D-thanks guys-no 9 to 5 job, etc.) to the full-fledged status of adulthood. I think what makes it all the more frightening is that I still feel 18 years old at times and I can't believe that I'm at this point in my life, making all these decisions and big changes. Despite all of the uncertainty and anxiety, I truly do believe that these are some of the best years of my life. I'm healthy, happy, in love, have a wonderful family, great friends, and live in an incredible city. A little bit of fear about the future seems a small price to pay when I am blessed with so many fantastic things.


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